The Social Security Law regulates the social security rights of the workers, government oicials and self-employed persons and covers the social risks such as (i) work accidents and occupational illnesses, (ii) healthcare, (iii) child birth and child care, (iv) disability, (v) seniority, (vi) death, and (vii) unemployment. The Social Security Institution is the relevant authority.
Contributions for Social Insurance and Taxes
The Social Security Law regulates the social security rights of the workers, government oicials anda
The main inancing tool of the Turkish social insurance system is the contributions paid by employers and employees along with the state contribution. Contribution of the employees is deducted from the salaries of the employees in speciied rates. Such premiums are paid both by employees and employers on behalf of employees to the Social Security Institution. Premium rates are determined in accordance with the type of risks the social security insurance covers.
Social security premium rates are as follows:
self-employed persons and covers the social risks such as (i) work accidents and occupational illnesses, (ii) healthcare, (iii) child birth and child care, (iv) disability, (v) seniority, (vi) death, and (vii) unemployment. The Social Security Institution is the relevant authority.
National Health Insurance
Under the Social Security Law, employees working with an employment agreement who reside in Turkey and foreigners with a residence permit (or work permit) if they do not have national health insurance in another country, and their dependents shall be subject to the general health insurance in Turkey. General health insurance is mandatory.
General health insurance provides the insured employees with (i) protective healthcare; (ii) healthcare in case of illness including medical examinations, blood and other tests and emergency healthcare; and (iii) childbirth related healthcare. These healthcare services shall be provided by the public and private hospitals and medical institutions in agreement with the SSI within Turkey and abroad to the general health insurance holders.